Except for religion and morality, what is the most important specifications of a lifetime partner? Which is better: beautiful bride educated mother of the bride? The groom's mother compassionate
The groom fun?
Questions Sainaely search for answers in this investigation.
A transformation occurred in the specifications of the husband and wife idealists, detection survey, which we had, which included 50 young men and 50 young, they were asked to identify the most important specifications partner Age ideal from the standpoint of all of them, by rearranging 8 special specifications partner Age starters Boktherha importance. This, of course, except for the requirement of good manners, which is an essential requirement. So, were excluded from the survey. The survey revealed a decline in the degree of importance of some of the specifications, which saw the importance of being an employee of the bride, and master the cooking, before the specification fitness and fun. It also is no longer the bridegroom, who hails from a family of affordable, or is willing to help in the affairs of the house desirable, as far as the groom romantic and cultured.
- The magic formula: