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السبت، 18 أكتوبر 2014

How to overcome the problem of hair loss

It is natural that the man loses a day of nearly 100 hairs, but complain about a lot of young people from the problem of hair loss are larger than normal, and in spite of having a lot of lotions and creams for the strengthening of the hair and prevent hair loss, but they do not work in a lot of cases, and confirm d .jehan soldier Consultant Dermatology and Cosmetic Laser that the problem of hair loss is one of the most hair problems prevalent among young people may be due caused by several factors, the first of the HLA or psychological stress suffered by young people in the study stage university or look for work and thus observes the young man lost his hair clearly too, as well as some of the suffering hair loss during exams as a result of extreme tension during that period, which negatively affects them.
She adds that malnutrition is a major factor and an influential dramatically Every youth has become dependent on his diet to fast food that does not contain the vitamins and minerals needed by the body daily for growth, and weak hair and flaking as the neglect of eating fruits and vegetables in addition to the use of materials of the individual chemicals is one of the important reasons for hair loss. Asserting that the hair loss in some cases may be due to the incidence of certain diseases such as immunodeficiency diseases and medications, heart and liver and pressure.
And advises the need to go to the doctor in the case NOTE hair loss highly dense even decide whether a medical condition or Tsaqta normal as a result of malnutrition and neglect of the sport, stressing that he should wash the hair twice at most a weekly shampoo and conditioner to moistened and tenchifa gently because the capillaries when they are wet to be easy cracker It must comb the hair comb wood extensively with the importance of changing hairstyle every three weeks until the bulbs Atatad Ali particular direction and stand growth.
  With a stop completely for use Alciecoar and irons and creams capita of all kinds and in case of hair loss, and non-use of Hannah individual with the possibility of using henna regular and careful eating foods that help hair growth in a healthy and sound and give the body its basic needs, such as protein in fish and chicken, milk and beans and eggs, eat vegetables daily, and wetlands, nuts, yogurt, honey and black liver and spinach.

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