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السبت، 18 أكتوبر 2014

Specifications partner Age

Except for religion and morality, what is the most important specifications of a lifetime partner? Which is better: beautiful bride educated mother of the bride? The groom's mother compassionate

  The groom fun?

Questions Sainaely search for answers in this investigation.
A transformation occurred in the specifications of the husband and wife idealists, detection survey, which we had, which included 50 young men and 50 young, they were asked to identify the most important specifications partner Age ideal from the standpoint of all of them, by rearranging 8 special specifications partner Age starters Boktherha importance. This, of course, except for the requirement of good manners, which is an essential requirement. So, were excluded from the survey. The survey revealed a decline in the degree of importance of some of the specifications, which saw the importance of being an employee of the bride, and master the cooking, before the specification fitness and fun. It also is no longer the bridegroom, who hails from a family of affordable, or is willing to help in the affairs of the house desirable, as far as the groom romantic and cultured.

- The magic formula:

In the reading of the questionnaire, says consultant social d. Hassan Emmaeil slaves, he was "in relation to the condition of the romantic, the configuration of psychological and physical abuse of women, Adjalanha of more objects need to compassion and love. Either be a pair of Mysore case, a condition which ranked second, shall be deemed to be reasonable, because the husband affordable can Levy material obligations towards his wife and family, which is vital, where the material has become in today's world is essential in life. "Explains d. Obeid "the importance of culture and education, which prompted the wife to put culture in the advanced rank," noting that "the pair cultured commonly atmosphere of dialogue based on knowledge, so culture is an important pillar in any system family successful. Either function prestigious, it has become It is important to Balujahh social relationship. "He goes d. Ebeid, explaining that "the requirement handsome, who came in fourth place, is a relative matter, and may not require the wife to the husband and especially if other conditions are met, because the handsome and not an integral part of a key." He adds: "As for fun, it is necessary, because it is commonly an atmosphere of joy and joy in the house, so the wife would prefer to enjoy the pair lightly shade." With regard to the need to be a pair of affordable family says the case d. Obaid: "This requirement is no longer important for women, because she lives with her husband and not with his family, and in spite of that, this requirement also falls under the door of social prestige." He continues: "Although the Help husband to his wife at home demand civilized, and that idea is the question of acceptable, is that women do not want to interfere with someone who does not understand anything about household affairs, so it's best for both of them not to exercise the pair this role." Turning to the reading of the poll's perfect wife specifications desired by the man, says d. Obaid: "A man, though large, is small child needs to tenderness and auctioneer, also needs to be a wife even larger." He points out that "for this romantic recipe came in the first place." He adds: "The demand for fitness, which came in second place, it is the demand of civilization imposed by life and perception of the aesthetic, according to d. Obeid, who confirms that the community whenever elevated, changed his view of things, pointing out that the mantras obesity women feature of the pre-Islamic era, and backward societies. either beauty, says Dr.. Obeid, is a prerequisite set by the Islamic religion, and if required a woman to be husband and valid, it is a fortiori that the wife should be beautiful, and I mean beauty destruction which includes the shape, and the spirit and creation. while fun, which occupies the fifth place, it is essential to promote an atmosphere of joy and happiness in the home. "

On the other hand confirms d. Obeid that the wife educated, or as less educated estimate is the best but if collected between the two to complement each other, so the pair may baited two birds with one stone. He adds: "In terms of mastering cooking is an essential requirement for the Arab family, although men showed otherwise."

And refers d. Obeid that the requirement to be the wife of an affordable family is not necessary, but not too bad if it finds this condition as a kind of social prestige, with regard to the job, which came in the bottom of the list says d. Obaid: "The function of women is not an issue necessary in Arab society, does not require the husband to be his wife, a working woman, but prefer not to mingle with others as long as able to meet its material needs." Sealed d. Speaking Obeid, citing what she said one of the researchers in the British family affairs "that women should not concern them in the physical aspects of relationship with her husband, because they want two basic things: a smile and caring touch."

- Specifications for the perfect wife:

Is there a case of re-drafting concepts related to the specifications of a life partner, and the degree of importance? The answer to this question we detect through the following views and comments.

The Khalid Mohammed (employees), that "the perfect wife is that knows how to manage her kingdom deservedly, are educated informed that keep pace with the event, a romantic humor, which do not complain of homework home, and do not complain about raising their children." But, not only recipes perfect wife for Khaled on the foregoing, where he confirmed that he would prefer "to be a" girl people "and not necessarily have to be from the family of affordable, this condition does not mean anything to me, and more importantly, not linked to function even devote to her home and her family. "

- The first and last word:

No different recipes perfect wife, desired by Ahmed Zenati (employees), qualities that he hopes most of the men in the availability of their partners, and among these qualities to be his wife, affectionate, romantic and erudite. Zenati adds: "I do not want my wife to work even if it holds the highest degree, because it is better for them as a mother and wife, a full-time to care for their children and manage her home." Says: "In addition, the working wife insists that make their own decisions, and I do not support this logic, it must be the words are the first and last."

- Religion and create:

The Engineer Tariq Imam, he emphasizes that "perfect wife is that it applies the words of the Prophet (r):" Women may be married for four things: for her wealth, her lineage, her beauty, her religion, Vazfr same religion patting your hands. "Refers imam to be" the perfect wife is characterized by religiosity and creation, in the first place, then comes the lineage and descent, and do not mind if there is beauty to something that is complementary and not essential. "

- Beautiful and affectionate:

"Educated women and the educated are the perfect wife," from the viewpoint of Mohiuddin Abdulmutallab (employees), who believes that "the job is not important" for him as long as able to meet the requirements of his home, and goes on: "It is not important to be my wife's family is well off, you do not need to help her family, but more importantly, for me to be affectionate and beautiful, God is beautiful and loves beauty. "

- Culture:

Housewife manages her home, caring for her children and husband to the fullest, is the perfect wife in the eyes of Abdullah Al Marzouki (retired), who explains that "the culture of the wife is essential and necessary for the education of their children on a sound footing." In spite of that Marzouki believes that "education does not mean the culture, the wife may be educated, but they are not educated," but he points out that "women that combine science and culture, of course, is more of an ideal wife."

- Romance:

It seems that beauty is not a prerequisite for Fadi Alawabdh (graduate student), who believes that "the perfect wife is that you know how to manage the affairs of her house, which is aware of the importance of dealing with her husband and his family a smooth and flexible, in order to earn the raid and gain their satisfaction, especially as this The art of behavior does not he excels all the people, and the art are able to act with others is undoubtedly a human being is perfect, especially if the wife romantic, affectionate. "

- Educated:

In the opinion of the Legal Adviser Muhammad Abdul Ghaffar, that "women with manners and religion, is the perfect wife," explaining that the Prophet (p), it is recommended to marry the same religion and morality, and consequently come recipes lineage and descent and beauty. "Asked whichever best beautiful wife or educated, walking Abdul Ghaffar, that "beauty is a relative matter, and in my opinion does not matter as much as the importance of culture, beauty of the wife does not benefit it in the upbringing of their children and manage the affairs of her family, while qualifying culture to do it the best way possible."

- Recipes perfect pair:

In a study prepared for "the Institute of Marriage British," revealed British researcher Martin Duc Manz, about the characteristics of the ideal man who prefer women on the other, and that by saying: "The sense of delicate, and the American spirit of giving is the dream of all women, and when they meet all these qualities in one man, women can not forget that no matter how long, even if not associated with him. "So what are the most important qualities of the perfect pair to build upon that?

Perfect pair, according to Manal Abdel Hadi (housewife), "is a man educated and compassionate and romantic, which gives his wife confidence, and a sense of security." As for the prestigious job, Abdulhadi contends that this is "not important" for her, but "it is important that the pair is characterized by the ability to develop itself, and to be ambitious and positive and able to take responsibility."

- Sadiq who understands:

Can not be a pair ideal for Umm Mohammed (employee), "but if it is sincere, educated, understanding, and has the ability to earn the trust of his wife, especially since the wife who feels genuinely her husband and his love, be one of the happiest wives, and most of them in preparation for sacrifice and selfless ".

In a related context, refers to the mother of Mohammed, "a husband who can be called perfect, do not be ungainly, but understands things rationally, and distance himself from anger Expressway, also remains always thinking for the long term."

- Transparency:

For its part, agrees Suhaila (housewife), with opinions that confirm that "the most important specifications are the perfect pair to be on the debt and create." It says: "In place immediately following, comes the culture of the pair, because the culture is reflected on his sons as the episode's most powerful family," pointing out that "the ideal man is the owner of the word, compassionate, and strong in positions that require power without ego, self-assured himself, moderate in his actions so you do not have a yen to squeeze or break the strong. "

- The religious and the learner:

"Cultured and educated man," is the perfect pair for Ghada Alfi (housewife), "because the education and culture contribute to overcome a lot of obstacles, and make the pair more understanding of the sanctity of married life," according to what it says. She adds: "There is no doubt that the man who appreciates family life, and cares about his home and his children, soft in his dealings, a slave in his feelings is the perfect pair, who bargained for all the wives, especially that some of the couples these days are putting families and children on the tail of the list of their interests."

- Obedience and beauty:

What are the specifications of the perfect wife and the perfect pair, from the standpoint of family guidance?

Answer the family counselor, Dr. Abdullah Al-Ansari said: "The perfect wife in the eyes of the pair, is the woman submissive I do not mean blind obedience, but obedience required, because the composition of the man confirms his need for appreciation and respect of all people, let alone if this person his life partner? For this , the man who does not find this trait in his wife was not considered an ideal wife. "On the other hand, asserts Ansari that "Beauty least degree of obedience and so named after saying (r):" A good wife that if looked at her navel, and if he tells her to obey him, and if you missed them saved. "Adds:" For this reason, the physical beauty is is important, although it was relatively, but that the man prefers women that are pleasing to view and saturation of the same, noting that many of the problems that occur between couples are caused by the inability of the wife to satisfy the consideration of her husband. "In the context of talking about the perfect wife, confirms d. Ansari that "perfect wife is not her husband Wish on her property, her education, her beauty, or plead and lineage, but be modest in spite of all the qualities of excellence previous" n pointing out that "some couples find the perfect in sub-criteria. For example, we find some of them are looking for a girl from the waist to physical or social, or academic, and considers it an ideal wife. The others, examines the criteria for complementary, if his luck in education or money, or social status a bit, it looks for a wife with a level higher than even complement deficiency. "

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